Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What are some ways to get my boyfriend to break up with me?

i have been dating my boyfriend for a year and 2 months and it hasnt been so great. i want it to end because he is getting on my nerves and just the other day he left a bruise on me, and today he hit me in my nose and didnt say sorry. i wanna break up, but i am scared to how do i get him to or atleast me try and break up with him.

please help me!!What are some ways to get my boyfriend to break up with me?
cheat on him with a hotter guyWhat are some ways to get my boyfriend to break up with me?
Lol, here's a super funny way to break up with him and make it his fault.If you all have a myspace or facebook, make up a fake profile or a really hot girl, and then flirt with him on it.Like, say you just moved here, and wanna ';have some fun'; with somebody.It might not work if your bf is actually a nice guy, but this sure worked for a few of mine before I got married.(no offense, but a lot of men easily cave into their sexual instincts, whether they are really going to do it or not, they like to at least flirt to get themselves off).So, get him to say some scandilous things to her, and then when you get all the dirt you need, then go about ';accidentally finding out';.Such as..';my computer accidentally logged me into your myspace, and I saw that message.You're a cheating jerk and it's over.'; or! (this one is less believable though) say'; some girl forwarded me a message between you and her, and said 'Ijust thought you should know =)', you're a cheating jerk and it's over';

This is a tricky situation and you are going to need to exercise some great caution. If you make it too obvious, he will most likely hurt you again. If you do not make it obvious enough, he can think he has a chance and keep up his prior actions. Here is my suggestion:

First of all, letting him break up with you is letting him feel control. This can make the break-up violent, emotionally wearing, and can and most likely will ultimately result in you being hurt.

There is a solution, however. Grab a group of your closest, best friends and bring them AND your soon-to-be ex-boyfriend. Sit him down, and with the support of all of your friends, tell him what he did was unacceptable and that you want to end it.

By having your friends there, you prevent him getting violent. Also, you have a support group in case things get emotional. There is one more benefit: If he tries something rude, crude, or socially unacceptable, a girl's pals are the best people to retaliate in honor of a close friend.

I hope I helped!

Good luck!
I would advise not to let him catch you cheating. If he hits you and doesn't apologize, imagine what he may do if he catches you behind his back. I would just tell him that you do not feel the same toward him anymore and that you think it is best for you two to break up. If you cannot do that, you might have to do it the hard way and be mean. I would just blow him off when you two are suppose to have plans and also not really return his calls. I wouldn't really do that as a first choice though. Try doing it the nice way first lol He is still a human being.
if you are scare of breaking up with him in person send and email and block his called and if you want to break up with him in person go to a public place like a restaurant and also tell at least 2 friends who are guys (brothers, friends, cousins) to go to the restaurant and sit near you, just in case you did them. When he is sitting down look him in the eyes and said. I don't think i can continue this relationship any more.If he wants to talk about it tell him no. When you are done telling what you want tell him. Their nothing more to said and walk out of the restaurant. HAve your friends follow you out of the restaurant. I hope everything Works out for you
Here are some ways

Cheat on him

Lie about cheating on him

Flirt with people

Hang out with guys behind his back

Dress slutty

Put slutty pictures of you on Facebook/MSN

Hit on his friends

Be out going

Drink at a bar

Have sleep overs with other guys

Hug other guys

Kiss other guys on the cheek

Write fake love notes to a guy and leave them around for him to find




The best thing to do is just leave him. Walk away and explain it to him over msn, facebook, hotmail, text, or anything that is not with him in person. If he hit you in any way, you don't know how well he is going to take all those actions I just mentioned. You can do those if you want, if that's what you had in mind, but leave far away. Live with a friend, family, or some one you trust, and explain it to him over e-mail. Say your not happy and you just needed to leave. Don't tell him where you are. Delete him off anything after you e-mailed him. Don't wait for a reply or anything. Get him off Facebook, E-mail, Skype, Myspace, or msn. Anything. If he starts stalking you, then change your e-mail and facebook. Put him on any block list you can. This guy sounds a little bit like a phys-co path, so that's why I am telling you all of this. As I said you can do any of the recommended above but I tell you to just leave. You don't want to make him more angry then he is, if he hits you.

Be safe

Good Luck!
You shouldn't cheat on an abusive guy, and by the way hitting you is not OK even if he did say sorry. If he is, in fact, abusive you need to be mature about it and, instead of playing these kind of games, talk to him when he's real calm and tell him to get help. Get him an anger management book because he probably wont go unless it gets real bad and he gets court ordered to do so but maybe you can prevent him from doing this to someone else. Then tell him straight up that's why you're breaking up with him.
Don't listen to any of the people who say to cheat on him. If he's hit you before, then cheating on him will only get him to be more violent towards you. He would most likely beat up the other guy involved too.

If he ever hits you again, call the police. That way he's getting what he deserves, you'll both be broken up, and he'll think twice about hitting a girl again.

Just leave him. Tell him it's not working out, and make sure you have a friend or family member there with you when you tell him. If he causes further trouble, call the cops and explain the situation.
This isn't rocket science here. Just tell him ';I'm not interested in seeing you anymore.';

Don't argue with him, and don't let it drag out. Simple tell him, wish him well, and go about your day. If he argues, tell him that if he lays a hand on you in any way again, you are filing charges against him.

Cheating on him when he's already shown he is willing to hit you is not going to make him break up with you. He'll just hit you some more.
Why are you waiting for him to break up with you? If he's a beater then he's gonna hold on to you because you're allowing him to use you as his personal punching bag. Just tell him you don't wanna be with him anymore. He has to accept your wishes and let you go. Otherwise, if he hurts you again, that's what the police are for.
You break it off, he's a piece of crap and you shouldn't have to put up with it. Tell him it's over and if he hits you you'll go to the police.

Be strong, women don't have to take that crap from guys like that. And guys like that don't deserve to have a girl. It irks me that such a piece of crap could get a girl in the first place where guys like me have such a hard time.
LEAVE! When he's not there, gone out with the boys.... pack your stuff and leave. If there is furniture, or something that you split cost with or is originally yours, sue for it later. Pack what you can and what means most and leave. Go to your parents house, or a friends or something and leave him a note.

Hitting is not tolerated. I never want a person to stay in a relationship where the man or partner is hitting them or harming them.
Be honest with him and tell him that your fed up of the way that he treats you.

It doesn't sound like he treats you the way a girl should be treated, and obviously you don't like this...

so yeah just tell him you hate how he treats you.

failing that you dump him.

if your really not happy being with him, then i suggest you dump him, make him think about how hes treated you!

hope everything goes okay.

good luck :)
either tell him that u r gay

or u should go out on a date with ur boyfriend somewere out in public where is lots of people, (i would suggjest the beach) then say i brb to him and t hen tell him to look @ u and then kiss a random person right in front of him, then he will get pissed that is always how i do it . (lolz) jk , but u should really tri it though
what a loser!

ive been cheated on, and it's not nice. it hurts so much.

so just be honest and tell him how you feel and sort it out with him or

if you feel that its still not going to go anywhere just tell him it's not

working out and dump him.

he would appreciate your decency.
First tell him to sit down and calmly tell him that there are problems in your relationship and that you wanna discuss the police if he's hurting you and once the cops come then tell him your breaking up with him becuz your not willing to sit down and fix these problems... lol safer environment
Do you not want to be straight up and tell him its over?! If so be mean to him, be rude, don't answer his calls, dont return his calls, act like hes nothing to do like if you even care about the relationship. This should work...if it doesn't he must really not care so you might as well be straight up and brake it off. dont wast another year!!!
Talk to his best friend, tell him the situation, see if he'll help. Make up this scenario of you and his best friend being together. And in the middle of an arguement say something the along the line of somethin

';You know what? [Insert best friend's name] is better in bed!';

And walk away.
put some deoderant on that realllllly smells bad ;) should work! =D x

OR... you could do something more normal - you could just say annoying or really random things that will make him think your a little strange ;) or you could spend more time with your friends and gradually distance yourselves from eachother, and then eventually you might get a result. Just out of interest, why don't you just break up with him?

Sweetie, get out now. Abusive relationships are scary and emotionally scarring. Just leave. He probably wont leave you, because he knows he has a certain amount of control over you. Do not cheat on him, because he could get angry and abusive. Talk to authorities immediately. Best of luck!
If he is hitting you, or physically hurting you, call the police right away! Do NOT cheat like other people are saying, he might get angry and hurt you, or the guy. Call the police and inform them on this, it's against the law, this is known as domestic violence.
If he is abusing you, then you leave the police if you're scared. I don't know how old you are, but tell someone!! That is unacceptable behavior. Do not do anything to make him angry or jealous, which could just create more violent behavior towards you. You need to seek help immediately...good luck!!
Cheat on him, break up with him, stab him in the neck, get lockjaw while giving him head, tell him about your toe fungus fetish, start smoking crack, get drunk and puke on him, ask him if you can buttfuck him with a strap-on, tell him you are a lesbian....
Holy ****, dont let him do that!

yesterday it was internation womans day. In my Amnesty group we had an alternative catwalk about mens violence against women.

Anyways, you have to break up with him! Maybe have a friend with you or something incase he tries to hurt you. Don't wait too long, just let it out!

Best of luck sweetie
He sounds like an ***. You shouldn't wait for him to break up with you. He might be one of those guys that likes to beat up on women and has no respect for them. You should dump his *** now and he will be the one hurting for it. No real man would get physical with a woman.
call in for domestic violence... get a hidden camera and tape yourself getting hit... this will just add as factual proof... then getr a restraining order.

Look girl NO LADY deserves to get a finger on her... You deserve a much better guy. AND you will find him... just drop this turd...youll never look back
just start ignorning him .. and tell him your done ....if hes leaving bruses and **** on you .. its gonna be a tough break up ... just call him one day and tell im its over..your through dont want more of his **** .. and then ignore all his calls..messeges etc... he'll get the hint..and if not restraining order for the psycopath :p
Its better to just tell him that you dont want to be with someone that you will be scared of, and if he tries or threathens to hit you, then you threaten to call the cops.
You're going to have to do it. If he has someone he can beat then he's not going to want to let it go. You have to do it yourself.
Um you need to get out of the relationship fast! Call the police and tell them that they hit you. If you try to get him to break up with him he might get angry and hit you again. Hope it works out
Grow up and just tell him how you feel.

Its so stupid trying to get him to do it, when your the one who wants it to end.
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