Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to break up with my boyfriend?

My boyfriend and i have been dating for about 10 months. I love him but i need to get out of the relationship. He thinks he has the right to tell me where i can go out, who i can see, and that i can't talk to the opposite gender just because he is a guy. Anyways, he has anger problems. I have attempted this many times but he comes back and doesnt let me leave or just says ';no, its not over';.

It gets so hard for me, i just don't know HOW to do it. Thanks to everyone who answers.How to break up with my boyfriend?
wow .. im accually goin thru the same exact thing i broke up with my bf a week ago .. we were together 2yrs.. but it got so bad i couldnt even go to a gurl friends house to hang out cuz he thought guys were gonna be there .. thats not right i love him to death but no one deserves that.. i know its really really hard but ive just been tryin to ignore his calls.txt and everything.. hes pullin the guilt trip like im sooo sorry plz dont go i love u..but he never changes and i cant do it ne more..How to break up with my boyfriend?
Tell him that you do not want a relationship. tell him with others around that you are afraid and will get a restraining order and change your locks on your home. I agree with get a gun, because I am an Alaskan and I am legally allowed to carry a gun and well trained. If he were to break into my home I can shoot him and let God be the judge in that trial in the sky!
I think he has problems, he is controlling you. The best way is try to get away from him slowly. Just becarefull. In the mean time check out these, may be there some hing that you can learn from.
buy a gun

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