Friday, August 20, 2010

How to sabotage my friends relationship to break up with her boyfriend?

ok my friend is in a bad relationship and i had enough of her crying to me about her bf and i want to break them up how do i break them up with out her bf finding out plz give real answers plz don't tell me not to do it plzHow to sabotage my friends relationship to break up with her boyfriend?
ok you see, the way it works is....everyone is free to have their own relationships, so the best thing you can do is to worry about your own

GLHow to sabotage my friends relationship to break up with her boyfriend?
Don't. When she gets tired enough of crying and heartache, she'll break up on her own. Until then, be supportive but stay out of it. This is a learning and growing experience for her. You interfering robs her of the growth necessary to steer herself clear of these situations, and may increase the likelihood that she gets into another bad relationship in the future.
Just tell her she should break up with him. Flat out. It has to be HER decision and HER action, otherwise she's just going to keep finding jerks like him to go out with. She needs to know that it isn't right, and if you sabotage the relationship in her eyes it will be YOUR fault that her relationship is bad, not his.
Don't even try. Even if breaking up is the right thing to do, she has to decide that for herself. If you interfere, you'll look like the villain and you'll lose her friendship forever.


Giving thumbs down to everyone who says it's a bad idea isn't going to make it okay.
Who are you to sabotage any one's relationship? If you can't handle her relationship issues, set some boundaries. If she wants to break up with her boyfriend is her choice, not yours.
talk to her, if it's a bad relationship she needs to get out of it. tell her that she needs to get out if it's really that bad.
She can do it herself and break up with HER boyfriend herself. Tell her to fo that. It's her problem really. Trust me.

good luck x
just frick him ur self

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